8 Hot Flash Remedies Without a Prescription
If intense, hot, and sweaty sensations have you kicking your sheets off in the middle of the night or frantically fanning yourself randomly throughout the day, you may be experiencing hot flashes. Known clinically as vasomoto
Here's What Causes Irregular Periods and What You Can Do About Them
When your menstrual cycle is unpredictable, it can be more than frustrating. Maybe your period surprised you by arriving early this month. Or it’s a week overdue, and you’re starting to have that late-period panic. Maybe
Night Sweats Keeping You Up? Try These 5 Tips
Has waking up drenched in sweat become a nightly ritual? Consider this your cue to find a solution. Because night sweats are more than annoying (and a strain on your hamper); experienced often enough, they can take a toll on